What comes to mind when someone mentions the colour Tiffany Blue?
I am sure you have heard this slogan from the notable company #TiffanyAndCo. Our newest listing presented by our very own team partner @VarshaPasel is a home not to be missed.
She was inspired by the door colour that was near & dear to the client’s #TiffanyBlue. This propelled into a strategic marketing spin that lent itself to showcase the home in all its glory! A beautiful design makes a beautiful life is very true too how we work with our clients when helping them showcase their homes or even finding them one. Most people move to enhance their lifestyles whether it’s an upsize or a downsize or just because they are looking for a change. It’s usually an emotional decision when making a move & we lend our expertise as advisors helping them make an informed decision while considering finances, family & fortune.
It’s not as simple as it sounds, however, if you had the right realtor on board you most likely will land up with the right home!
Written by:
Tanya Vakil Fernandes
Owner | Broker